


When it comes to regular gym gears, we consider treadmills, bikes, rowing machines etc. but there is another equipment that gives your body a complete workout. This is commonly known as cross-trainer or vario and helps you to perform a full body workout. If you haven't incorporated this machine into your fitness routine for whatever reason, simply come to our fitness centre in Jubilee Hills/ Kavuri Hills and see the difference for yourself. Our vario is designed in such a manner that it helps to tone different body parts by using a fluid and low impact motion.

Often, people believe that vario or cross-trainer is unable to provide the same benefits that you can obtain from running or rowing. But in reality, vario isolates specific muscles so that each and every one of them can receive a more focused workout. Simply put, vario helps you to get the optimum benefit from a less strenuous workout session. If you're still in a dilemma about this all-round gear, simply join the gym and fitness centre of Apollo Life Studio to experience it all.

About Us

The Apollo Life Studio believes that ‘wellness is the precursor to optimum health.’ It is a continuous process towards achieving positive, transformational well-being and thus, a complete life. When combined with its inherent strength in health care through Apollo Hospitals, the Life Studio aims to bring forth a unique perspective in holistic health.
